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Featured Products, Orthopaedic Appliances
Medical Scrubs
Medical gown for orthodontists, pediatricians, dentists, nurses, osteopaths, midwives, physiotherapists, veterinarians, pharmacists, surgeons, chiropodists, doctors and all other medical and paramedical professions wishing to improve their appearance. Woman and Man Classic Fit V-Neck Top, Three Side Cargo Pockets Pants
SKU: n/a
Electric Folding Wheelchair
Power wheelchair
Front wheel diameter: 10 inches.
Rear wheel diameter: 22 inches.
Net weight: 46 (52) kg.
loading capacity 130 kg.
Performance parameters:
Charging time: 6-8H
Battery:24V 12AH
Driving range:15-20km
Dynamic stability: 6 degrees.
Static stability: 9 degrees.
Maximum speed: 6 km/h.
Flip-up armrests allow for table dining
Adjustable footrest angle-50°
SKU: n/a